Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rolling or folding?

2 days out and that seems to be the most important question at the moment. I of course picked neither, or I guess technically both and discovered that ziploc gallon bags work great as space savers. After 5 hours of laundry, countless shopping trips (I think I started back in October when I bought my first "Europe" item)and 12 zip lock gallon sized bags later I am officially packed (minus everything that got packed in the "test" run that I have to pull back out to survive for the next 2 days)!

It still seems rather unreal to know that I'll be leaving in less than 48 hours, and even the giant purple and pink suitcases sitting in the middle of the family room haven't helped in sink in. I think it wont really hit until I'm on the plane with the boys about to take off, and even then I think the real excitement will happen when I see London for the first time. I literally can not wait to be sitting on one of the double decker red buses listening to our English tour guide tell me all about Big Ben (maybe it will help me miss Little Ben less).

I spent the last few days in San Diego and I am so happy I got the chance to visit one more time before I leave for 2 months. It amazes me how blessed I am to have such wonderful friends there and how close we have become over this year. Getting to see Glabe, Gabbie, Jess and Mully before I leave for 2 months was the perfect thing before I take off, and I can't wait for all of the fun we'll have when I get back. Finding the perfect presents for those girls is going to be difficult!

The only things left for me to do are check in, pick my seats, and get my nails done with Mom, oh ya and finish that pesky quilt square.

I'm sure I'll post one more time before I leave, but for now I'm off to embroider!


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