Wednesday, June 9, 2010

“The road of life twists and turns and no two directions are ever the same. Yet our lessons come from the journey, not the destination.”

Bienvenue! Benvenuti! ευπρόσδεκτη! WELCOME! With 5 days to go, I'm officially starting posts for my travel blog! If you're reading this you likely have some interest in the amazing journey I'm about to embark on, and I invite you to "virtually travel" with me as I explore 6 countries and countless cities throughout Europe on what will be a journey of a lifetime. It is my hope that this blog will help us in keep in touch and allow me to capture the endless memories that I know this trip will produce.

While I could claim that the real reason I'm going is to "study abroad" anyone who knows me, knows that I have ALWAYS had a desire to explore Europe and everything that it has to offer. While this trip wont get me to all of the destinations I'd like to stamp in my passport, it will definitely be a great start and I can't wait to get lost in the cities I've learned so much about and have dreamed of visiting!

I thought I would use this post to give the basics: where I'm traveling, who I'll be with the whole time, and how to keep in touch.

Where we're going:

June 15-19=London
June 19-21=Brussels
June 21-23=Amsterdam
June 23-26=Paris
June 26-July 24=Nice (This will be our home location and where we will be taking all of our classes. 3 and 4 day weekends will give us the opportunity to explore continuously while we are there. Planned trips include Monaco, Spain, and St. Tropez)
July 24-25=Milan
July 25-July 27=Venice
July 27-28=Florence
July 28-31=Rome
July 31-August 2=Athens
August 2-8=Greek Isle (Most likely Santorini, Mykonos, and one other location)
August 8-10=Back in Athens
August 10=Back in the USA!

Fellow Travelers:

I have been blessed to get to experience this trip with some of my favorite guys in the whole world. I was lucky enough to have all of my classes with them my first year of law school and can't wait to experience this with them. Kenley and Mike (I will be referring to him as Bustos) both live in Southern California and Justin lives in Arizona. We will be meeting up with a fellow law school student in Amsterdam named Erin, and everyone else will be in Nice.

How to keep in touch!

Email will be the best way to get in touch with me as my phone is set up so I can still check it. So is the best way to let me know what's happening.
Skype-If you don't have it, get it! One of the best ways that we can talk for free! My name is Debrose25 so make sure to add me!
Blog-I will do my best to update this blog as often as possible, so check it frequently!
Phone- I will have my current phone number and be able to receive text messages and phone calls. Calls will be limited though because of the ridiculous cost of them and the time differences which I still don't fully understand. So if you're planning on calling make sure to email/text me first and we can arrange a time.

We're open for suggestions and must sees/dos for all of the places we're visiting so send those comments! I can't wait to share this with all of you and get remarkably turned around in Europe!


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