Friday, July 16, 2010

Things I've Learned While Traveling

All Those Random Things That Need To Be Remembered But Don't Fit In A Particular Post:
~Flying coach is not a lot of fun
~The TV sets on above mentioned flights are also not always very fun
~Mind The Gap (and sometimes the gap is REALLY big)
~London at night, even in the summer can be FREEZING
~Hotels that don't allow guests are usually pretty lame
~You need a child to get into Princess Di's playground in Hyde Park
~1pound or 1euro does NOT equal 1dollar, no matter how much you might want it to
~Leaving your watch set to "home" time while sentimentally valuable is often quite confusing while traveling
~Rolling backpacks that are WAY too heavy plus London/Paris/Amsterdam/Brussels trains and metros is a BAD BAD BAD idea
~Berkeley St. and Upper Berkeley St. in London are not the same thing
~Everywhere they sell beer they sell wine (Trust me, I've tested it out everywhere we've been so far)
~Maps Lie
~Train schedules lie
~Boys lie
~Getting mail in Europe is about a million times more exciting than getting mail in the U.S. (thanks Mom and Dad)
~Mailing postcards is WAY too expensive
~ZARA is amazing in every city you go to and will have different merchandise in every city you go to
~CASINO in France is in fact not a casino, but a super market, but a Casino can be a regular casino...its confusing
~Air Conditioning is the greatest invention ever
~Ice should be a requirement and not a request
~In no way shape or form should a person have to pay 9euro for a soda...and yet we all do it
~Regular Ice Tea (aka not Peach or Mango or Tonic or Passionfruit) is non-existent in Europe
~France is hot in the summer
~Amsterdam stairs are the most ridiculous things you've ever seen and should be called ladders
~Homesickness is no respecter of age
~Skype is the second best invention ever (after air conditioning)
~The Eiffel Tower is pure perfection except for the grabby guys and people selling stuff to you (except for the 5 keychains for 1 euro...that guy is good)
~I still don't know what Coo Coo Yum Yum means, but I love the guy!
~People from Chicago are awesome
~Brussels pretty much shuts down on Sundays
~Hop on/Hop off tours are the best way to go
~Laundromats in Nice France are the hottest place you can possibly go to (it is a SAUNA)
~Peer pressure to buy a float is not a good thing (not the best use of 20 euro)
~Pinnochio, Pinnochyo, PinochYo, and Pinochio are all very different things
~France has no idea what an appropriate amount of people to shove into one space is (this includes bars, restaurants, buses, restaurants, cars, trains, etc.)
~I don't care what anyone says shorts rompers are one of the most comfortable and easiest things to wear
~Rock beach=almost as ok as a sandy beach
~Jelly fish=no fun
~Sometimes its hard to live with boys
~Sometimes its fun to live with boys
~Blogging takes more work than one would think
~Everything costs way more than you think it will
~No dog compares to Benny
~Learning french is really hard, but if you smile and nod your head and giggle when they do sometimes people will think you understand
~Paris hotel with no air conditioning=BAD IDEA
~Missing home is part of every trip


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