Friday, July 16, 2010

Paris with Jules

AKA Paris Part 2
My third weekend here I was off to Paris again, only this time it was a completely different experience. When I was in Paris the first time I knew there was absolutely no way I would be able to see everything I wanted to see and experience everything I wanted to experience in the 3 and a half days I was there with the boys, so I opted to skip Spain and Running with the Bulls (still a tough decision, but after hearing the stories one I'm pretty satisfied with)and return to Paris for the weekend. Initially I was only going to go for Friday and Saturday night and return to school on Sunday but low and behold one of my closest friends Jules decided that she would fly out and meet me there. But plans changed, and suddenly a 4 night 4 and a half day adventure was planned. I left for Paris from the Nice airport right after school on Thursday (we don't have classes on Fridays)and although I missed the first tram between the stations at the airport I successfully made it to the airport, printed my plane ticket and checked in for the hour and a half flight to Orly airport in Paris all speaking French (along with nodding and pointing of course)

Despite warnings from my Professor about how terrible AirFrance is I had no problems with the flight at all and actually enjoyed my own row and being one of the first to receive their baggage. I navigated my way through the airport to the Metro and found my way to the end of the number 4 line and the Metro stop Porte De'Orleans which led directly to my hotel and to Jules who was waiting in the hot pink lobby. Despite my great find on the hotel, there was one slight problem with it, there was no air conditioning at all. Now while this wouldn't normally be a huge problem in Paris in the summer time, we of course picked the weekend with record breaking heat waves and the room was a bit uncomfortable the first night (I eventually bought a fan from what can best be described as a Paris dollar store except things weren't a dollar)but got better as the weather cooled down and the rain kicked in.
Jules and I had both agreed that this would be a leisurely trip for both of us with no set plans and a simple agreement to see what we could see when we could see it. Every night was spent at the Eiffel Tower taking ridiculous amounts of pictures, laughing at the random people we talked to (Americans who were drunk and touched Jules feet to inspect her tattoo, French guitar players who sang Britney Spears and the Beatles, Italians who moved to France but couldn't speak a lick of English, and all of the individuals who tried to sell us wine, cigarettes, beer, key chains, champagne, and helicopter toys)and simply enjoying our own personal heaven, followed by pizza and way too expensive sodas at the the cafe by the Metro station.

We purchased Museum passes so our days were spent exploring all of the random little museums I didn't get to see the first time around including Musee D'Orsay, Musee L'Orangerie, The Crypt at Notre Dame, the Deportation Museum, Notre Dame, Arc De Triomphe, and several other parks and bookstores along the way sneaking illegal pictures and giggling at some of the subjects that were chosen to be displayed.

The Musee L'Orangerie was my absolute favorite and I think Jules and I both could have spent an entire day there. The water lily rooms were to die for and getting to see Professor Golden (my contracts prof. who is also teaching in Nice this summer) and his wife was an added bonus to this tiny museum that deserves far more recognition. We took way too many pictures and videos of this one and enjoyed every minute of the air conditioned glory.

In addition to visiting the museums I didn't get to see the first time around, I also made sure I got to get in some quality shopping time this trip. Poor Jules followed me up and down the Champs-Elysees, as I walked into and out of stores, most of which I couldn't afford but enjoyed thoroughly anyway and eventually found my way to the affordable boutiques where I picked up some things for myself and a couple of things for some others as well. (Yet another Zara I can add to my list)A personal favorite of both of ours was the Swarovski crystal store where the stairs were made entirely of the gorgeous gems. Between those and the chandeliers we saw in the D'Orsay Jules and I have our future houses planned out.

We also made stops at Saint Chapelle, the French Supreme Court, the Top of the Eiffel Tower (AMAZING views and I would recommend it to anyone no matter how long the wait is),Moulin Rouge (just hop on the metro, go take some pictures and hop right back on because it is a SHADY neighborhood there), and Giverny (where Monet lived and the actual water lily gardens are, about a 45 minute train ride outside of Paris, an awesome side trip that would be better if it weren't 102 degrees outside)
Despite the days being horrendously hot, we did our best to enjoy what we saw and not to complain too much. Unfortunately the heat really did cut into some of the peace and enjoyment of the trip, but it was still a great experience topped off by the final game of the world cup which we watched on the Trocadero with about 5000 other people (some of whom decided to light fire works and throw them at trees which then lit on fire and caused people to run for their lives...including us)
Paris is an AMAZING city that I still feel I haven't experienced fully. Everything about is magical and I am so glad I got experience it again and this time around with such a good friend. I can't wait to come back and explore more with others and fall in love with the city all over again. Thanks for an awesome trip Jules, can't wait to do it again!
(More pictures to come, the internet is just being HORRIBLY slow at the apartment right now)


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